I accidentally landed in lead generation after starting my first in-house role.
Like most people, I knew digital marketing was going to be the new frontier in generating leads.
So I did whatever I could to learn about digital marketing lead generation.
- I followed more senior marketers like a lost puppy.
- I launched my own websites and tested lead generation strategies.
- I joined all the forums and Reddits.
- I daydreamed about lead generation strategies in the shower.
Through my exploration, I quickly noticed something.
In fact, most “leads” won’t purchase just because they gave you their contact details.
But what about the sales team, isn’t sales their problem?
That was my initial thought as well.
After smashing the sales teams with countless leads and generating pitiful revenue. I decided to hop off the “lead” bandwagon and focus on lead generation strategies that actually drove real revenue.
I discovered something surprising……